February the 12th
How I love your skeletonYour pale skin and broken rests
How I adore your hands and fingers
The name your parents brought on you
And the day you were born
The start of the best time of my life
February the 12th
Start of something new
February the 12th
Syncronizin' me and you
February the 12th
Suffer and decay
February the 12th
The real Valentine's Day
Why this twist in our story
Deserving revenge, yeah I know
Why not deal with it just like when
I still feared I was wanting you
And make the time turn back
The start of the best time - oh no!
February the 12th
Start of something cruel
February the 12th
Disconnecting me and you
February the 12th
Kiss me and obey
February the 12th
Getting down 'n pray